Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Brand New Starts Ain't Just For Day 1s

Sure, day 1s and Mondays are fine times to get it together and try again...

...So are early mornins, before you speak a single word.

New Year's Day is a fine time for it too.

And Labour Day's like a new year's day. You can start over or buckle down on a big thing.

But our muscles are always ready for pullin, as surely on a Tuesday as on Monday. As surely in the middle of the afternoon as first thing in the morn.

A shower can help clean the slate, but a mere breath, a loosening grip can do the same.

Everything can change now. For as long as you can roll with it.

The mistakes are supposed to happen.

Cuz renewal is glorious. Nobody should be spared.

Begin fresh again as many times as you can between right now and whenever it's all done.

As many times as you can in a day, on a walk, as you enter, and when you leave.